Steve Hughes’ conference – “Education for life: neurosciences perspectives on Montessori education” – held in Vésenaz on May 9, 2019, in partnership with the Maria Montessori Training Institute (IFMM)


Dr. Steve Hughes, a renowned American pediatric neuropsychologist and a prominent member of the Research Council of the International Montessori Association, is no longer being introduced.

The purpose of his intervention in Vésenaz was the confrontation between Montessori pedagogy and neuroscience, through the key concept of Montessori as “education for life”. A complex program that Dr. Steve Hughes has made intelligible to everyone.

Beginning by recalling the specificity of living systems, which is to resist the second law of thermodynamics by extracting energy from their environment to survive, he presented the child as a living being lacking the skills necessary for survival. Hence the importance of freedom of movement for children, through which they will gradually acquire the opportunity to interact with their environment. The brain is thus an extraordinary tool for adapting to the environment.

The role of a Montessori environment is first and foremost to promote the child’s purposeful movement, which helps to build his or her brain. In this sense, Montessori pedagogy is directly an “aid to life”.

Maria Montessori Les Aiglons middle school – End of year celebration and exhibition on the theme of “food” – Saturday 29 June 2019


La fête de fin d’année du Collège Maria Montessori des Aiglons a donné lieu pour la 3ème année consécutive à la présentation d’une exposition réalisée par les adolescents. Cette année, le thème était celui de la “nourriture”.

La nourriture à travers les âges et les cultures, les procédés de cuisson et leurs implications physiques (cuisson au jus de citron, cuisson au feu, cuisson par induction, cuisson solaire, etc.)

Il y en avait pour tous les goûts. 

Et bien entendu des exposés sur la crise alimentaire actuelle, la “malbouffe” et ses implications sanitaires.

L’occasion pour tous les parents et plus généralement les familles de découvrir en détail le travail réalisé par leurs enfants ainsi que pour certains leur engagement “politique” pour sauver la planète et lutter contre les abus de toutes sortes.

Après l’exposition, un repas préparé exclusivement par les adolescents, comprenant de nombreuses spécialités culinaires du monde, a permis de profiter de la belle journée estivale sur la terrasse du collège. Puis les élèves des classes de 5ème et de 4ème ont présenté un spectacle de théâtre en plein air.

Maria Montessori des Aiglons middle school – Graduation ceremony for 12-15 year olds – Wednesday 26 June 2019


On Wednesday, June 26, 2019, the graduation ceremony for the 12-15 year olds took place at Maria Montessori College in Les Aiglons. 9 students were given a certificate of completion, which testifies to their time at the school.

A small ceremony was organized by the director Sylvie Coffre, which allowed everyone to remember the progress made in 2 or 3 years, since the arrival in the 5th grade for most of them. Adolescence is really an age where the changes are dramatic in a few years!

While some have simply grown up and are recognizable in the oldest pictures, the majority have moved from being children to being young adults. And as a reflection of this physical transformation, intellectual and emotional evolution is equally marked.

This is the challenge of this Montessori College’s global educational project, which is unique in France thanks to its boarding school from Monday to Friday, which enables teenagers to truly learn to live together and to confront their peers. A good way to prepare for adult life!

Annual General Assembly of the Swiss Montessori Association (AMS)


The AMS (Association Montessori Suisse – which brings together the actors of the Montessori community for the cantons of French-speaking and Italian-speaking Switzerland) is organising its annual General Assembly on Wednesday 12 June 2019 from 17:00, at the Maison des Associations, 15 rue des Savoises, in Geneva.

This will be an opportunity to take stock of the events of the past year, but also to talk about the many projects. The AMS is in a special situation because in Switzerland, and unlike many countries, the name “Montessori” is protected.

But how can we evaluate that a school respects the criteria corresponding to a “true” Montessori pedagogy?

In addition, the Committee that manages the association on behalf of its members will be largely renewed this year: an opportunity to discover new faces and exchange ideas within the network.

Following the general assembly, a conference will be proposed by Jessica Scrimes, Montessori trainer in training for 0-3 year olds, on the theme of Montessori for the youngest.

A theme particularly requested by the community, for which Jessica will be able to share her experience!

Annual General Assembly of the College Maria Montessori des Aiglons (Cruseilles – Haute-Savoie)


The Maria Montessori des Aiglons College, located in Cruseilles in Haute-Savoie since 2014, is celebrating its 5th anniversary this year!

It has been constituted in 2016 as a cooperative society, of which the employees of the college, but also the parents and several Montessori schools in the region are members, not to mention the supporters of the project, former or more recent.

An original governance that aims to bring together the various stakeholders around the educational project, who together contribute to the educational development of the 35 or so young people who are welcomed each year in boarding schools, from 5th to 3rd grade (12-15 years old).

This General Assembly, the first after the financial difficulties of the previous year, will be an opportunity to discuss with the college’s management team (Sylvie Coffre, Olivia Gollain and Julien Lamorte) the year that is ending and the prospects, particularly with regard to the future of the Les Aiglons site and possibly the opening of a future Montessori school.

Karen Pearce’s lecture: “Seeing is believing” – the art of observation – in Geneva, on June 1, 2019


The art of observing and really following what the child reveals. We will reflect on what it means to really trust the child to show us the way.

The session will continue with a reflection on the four steps that Montessori observes in children on the road to normalization. We will study the characteristics and indicators at each developmental stage to determine how best to support the child at each stage. The conference will be based on pure Montessori pedagogy but will also keep a very practical tone.

We will also see how to draw and analyze the different work curves. We will examine how educators can collect the necessary information for their observation:

  • What data?
  • How to rate them?
  • How to draw and analyze work curves?

We will continue this session by using a case study to develop the art of analyzing and proposing a customized development program focused on Pedagogy rather than age or curriculum.

A former school principal at the Maria Montessori Institute, Karen managed their children’s home from 1990 to 2008 under the mentorship of Hilla Patell. Pedagogical director of Montessori Place, she continues to advise Montessori educators, is a lecturer at the AMI courses and leads the MMI post-graduate course on the science of child observation.

Death of Jeannette Toulemonde


Dear friends,

On April 30, 2019, at the age of 92, Jeannette Toulemonde died at home in Hem in the “Nord”, in France. Thanks to her and her husband Jacques, several generations in France have discovered the strength of Maria Montessori’s work for an education for peace and freedom from birth.

Did she not write this: “A small child who is born and has parents of peace will in turn be a parent of peace” (CNMN EV documentary collection 2003)?

We have benefited from her bold initiatives, notably through her creation of the Centre Nascita du Nord, the magazine L’enfant et la vie and her book: Le Quotidien avec mon enfant – Adapting the child’s environment according to Montessori pedagogy (L’instant présent editions).

Jeannette Toulemonde had made this conviction of Maria Montessori her own and implemented it: “The art of education must be at the service of these innate forces present in each child” (in Maria Montessori, L’enfant est l’avenir de l’homme).Find or meet the writings of this personality of the Montessori movement, in a free tone on my blog “Parent-Researcher”, under the heading: Those who have made the history of Montessori education.

Odile Anot, President of the Nord Nascita Montessori Centre

Publication of the book “Montessori at the heart of family life”, by Odile Anot


Odile Anot explores in greater depth through this book an axis that has been the common thread of her professional commitment for twenty-five years: Living Montessori outside the classroom walls.

In 230 large format pages, it summarizes its years of experience with parents, children and young people. She crosses this heritage with her many researches, readings and encounters within the Montessori movement.

In the first part, Odile Anot presents the conditions of the child’s development throughout the 24 years dedicated to his formation to become a man; then she makes public the Parent-Researcher® tool in five attitudes illuminated by Maria Montessori’s scientific and visionary contribution to an education for peace and freedom; finally she invites us to a sensitive and documented encounter with Maria Montessori’s life.

The content is illustrated by numerous examples classified under the headings: “Enfant explorateur”, “Parents Chercheurs”, “Au cœur du mouvement Montessori”, as well as quotations from Maria Montessori’s entire work in French.

A few explanatory tables, a colourful notebook, a thousand hand-selected notes and references enrich the reading of this book, which draws the whole family into the meaning of life.

To order anywhere, from your booksellers, the publisher Dunod, or your favorite websites.

Solange Denervaud’s lecture: “Concentration in the service of interior construction” on Saturday 19 January 2019 at 2.30 pm


As usual, the Association Montessori de France proposed a conference following its General Assembly, presented by Solange Denervaud, doctoral student in affective neurosciences at the University of Geneva (Switzerland).

The theme of this intervention concerned one of the fundamental processes of Montessori pedagogy, that of the child’s concentration.

This conference highlighted the physical process of concentration of the child within his brain, and how this process of concentration allows the child to consolidate his learning and thus his inner construction. Once again, Maria Montessori’s empirical studies conducted more than a century ago are now proven by the latest scientific research.

Solange Denervaud and her team are expected to complete their work in the summer of 2019, which will provide an opportunity in the following months to publish numerous articles and present the final results. A subject that we’re certainly not done talking about.

2019 General Assembly of the Montessori Association of France


On Saturday morning, January 19, the General Assembly of the Montessori Association of France (AMF) was held at rue Claude Bernard in Paris.

An opportunity for all members to meet and take stock of the past year.

Among the many elements presented, the strong vitality of the Montessori network in France is worth mentioning: in 2019, the AMF had more than 700 members, with strong growth, reflecting the progress of Montessori education in French society.

According to a survey conducted by the Foundation for the School, 203 schools claim to be Montessori educational institutions to date: the AMF is in contact with 171 of them, and 113 are members of the association.

The first challenge for the association is therefore to federate the community of educators, who often find themselves a little alone after their Montessori training.

Among the actions implemented by the association, the School Directors’ Day brought together 43 people, the equipment loan programme in partnership with the Montessori Foundation of France benefited 3 schools in 2018 for a total amount of 18K€, and the association’s Facebook page now has 6700 subscribers, 1200 of whom receive the monthly newsletter.