Dear friends,
On April 30, 2019, at the age of 92, Jeannette Toulemonde died at home in Hem in the “Nord”, in France. Thanks to her and her husband Jacques, several generations in France have discovered the strength of Maria Montessori’s work for an education for peace and freedom from birth.
Did she not write this: “A small child who is born and has parents of peace will in turn be a parent of peace” (CNMN EV documentary collection 2003)?
We have benefited from her bold initiatives, notably through her creation of the Centre Nascita du Nord, the magazine L’enfant et la vie and her book: Le Quotidien avec mon enfant – Adapting the child’s environment according to Montessori pedagogy (L’instant présent editions).
Jeannette Toulemonde had made this conviction of Maria Montessori her own and implemented it: “The art of education must be at the service of these innate forces present in each child” (in Maria Montessori, L’enfant est l’avenir de l’homme).Find or meet the writings of this personality of the Montessori movement, in a free tone on my blog “Parent-Researcher”, under the heading: Those who have made the history of Montessori education.
Odile Anot, President of the Nord Nascita Montessori Centre